Windrush Weather

Wettest twenty-four hours since April

Although the sunshine was more restricted on Wednesday, with just 5.9 hours as compared to previous days, the warm moist air, combined with little wind and modest sunshine allowed the thermometer to climb to 23.1C. This peak was 3C above average.

Thunder was first heard at 15.57 with numerous claps of thunder to follow. The rain began to fall heavily at 16.15 and continued for perhaps 15 minutes producing 3.1mm. During this period the thermometer dropped from 23.1 to 18.8C.

Another mild night followed with the thermometer not falling below 13.8C making it the warmest night since 26th September.

There were brief, light showers after midnight but substantial rain began to activate the rain recorder at 05.15 so that by 08.00 on Thursday the total precipitation for the past twenty-four hours amounted to 11.4mm making it the wettest day since 30th April. The rain intensity eased but continued after this time on Thursday morning.