Wettest day in four months

The rain for the past twenty-four hours has been almost continuous, light drizzle and mist during the mid-afternoon. The total rainfall was 23.4mm, which made it the wettest day since 13th October (28.7mm) and brought the monthly total to 146.1mm, which is 225% of the 35-year average.

The southerly wind also brought mild weather with the thermometer peaking at 10.6C, being 3.C above the average but that was held until just after 01.15 Saturday morning when the thermometer slowly fell away to read 4.8C at 08.00 Saturday.

Saturday saw the main rain ceasing just before 08.00 with a hang back of low, thick cloud from the extensive weather front moving off to the east. However, at 08.35 another shower drifted in from the west.
