The thermometer on Monday soared to a maximum of 11.2C, which was 3.5C above the 37-year average and the warmest day since 28th January (11.7C). The wind from the south was breezy with a peak gust of 25mph so the absence of any wind chill. The sunshine logged was just 1.3 hours with the UV level at 1.3, rated as Low.
Rain arrived in the early hours of Tuesday triggering the automatic rain gauge just after 06.00 with a daily total of 4.4mm as measured in the standard Meteorological Office 5″ copper rain gauge. The automatic rain gauge, using a tipping bucket mechanism, gives a constant readout of rainfall but not being at the recommended 30cm above ground level can have some inaccuracies due to wind currents affecting the precipitation collected.
Tuesday after dawn was very wet as a rain band crossed the area but in calm conditions, the anemometer stationery for lengthy periods at 08.00. It was the second warmest start to a day this month with a temperature of 8.4C at 08.00 when 9.2C was logged on the 2nd. The ground temperature at a depth of 5cm has risen significantly over recent days with a reading of 6.8C at 08.00.