Windrush Weather

Storm Barra brings rain and wind

The wind increased during Tuesday morning with a peak gust of 31mph and steady rain amounting to 5.9mm. That daily total meant that the monthly total of 19.6mm was more than the whole of November, but only 21% of the December average.

The maximum of 7.6C was just below average and the minimum of 4.3C was 2.1C above the average.

The weather front brought heavy rain just before 1400 following which there was a complete lull with the wind dropping out completely. There was a very sharply defined back edge to the weather front.

Wednesday began dry with thin high cloud and initially dry but rain showers not far away.

A meteorological event called a ‘weather bomb’ occurred at the centre of the depression as the barometric pressure dropped in excess of 24mb in 24 hours. The local fall in that period was 17mb from 1002.3mb to a low of 985.2mb