Windrush Weather

Rain, rain and more rain on Monday

Monday was a miserable day with frequent showers, some heavy, and minimal sunshine just 1.95 hours. As a result the temperature by day was again depressed with a peak of 19.7C, which was 3.C below average and exactly the same as Sunday.

The wind came from the southwest for much of the day but veered into the west just before 17.00 after what was a gusty day with a peak speed of 27mph, the second strongest gust in July.

The rainfall for the past twenty-four hours amounted to 5.9mm bringing the monthly total to 56.6mm, still 3mm below the 36-year average.

The past night was much cooler with the thermometer sinking to 11.3C being 0.6C below average.

Tuesday was initially quite cloudy but at the time readings were taken, 08.00, the sun was beginning to make brief appearances.