Windrush Weather

Warmth returns!

Wednesday saw the thermometer climb to 17.8C just after 16.00, which was 3.7C above the average .

The dry weather continues with 12 dry days this month. The rainfall for April currently stands at only 16.6mm when the 38-year average is 57.7mm. With little rain in the forecast April is turning out to be a much drier than average month. Also taken into account is the equivalent loss of rainfall through evaporation from ground sources and plant life that amounts to 39mm so far.

After a mld night with a minimum of 5.4C the sun was up shining strongly after dawn on Thursday that lifted the temperature to 9.2C at 08.00.

The barometric pressure has been drifting downwards again so a change in the weather pattern is imminent as the current pressure at 08.00 of 1012.5mb is the lowest since the 12th.

The wind is slowly veering from the northeast to east-northeast and later today into the east.