Windrush Weather

Very warm night

Yet again on Wednesday the thermometer rose very high to 31.0C at 16.05. This was 8.3C above average and the fourth consecutive day with maxima at 31C or just above.

We have now enjoyed eight consecutive dry days. The rainfall total for July stands at 32.0mm whilst over 4mm of equivalent rainfall has been evaporating into the atmosphere every day for the last six days. The total evaporation from ground sources and plant life has risen to the equivalent rainfall of 64mm.

It was a very warm night with the thermometer not sinking below 14.6C, which was 2.8C above average.

Thursday arrived with radiation mist first thing but the sun shining from dawn began to dissipate the moisture rapidly so that by 07.00 it had disappeared and by 08.00 the thermometer read 21.1C.

Update at 18.00: maximum only reached 30C today rather than 31+C on four previous days