Windrush Weather

The weather is on the change!

The thermometer rose to 30.1C on Thursday being 7.4C above average but 1C lower than the previous four days when 31+C was reached. It was the ninth continuously dry day.

The wind continued from the northeast but just a little stronger with a peak gust of 12mph.

The past night was a little cooler that saw the thermometer drop to 13.1C. However, this was still 1.3C above average and the coolest night since the 18th.

The centre of the anticyclone has been leaving us and is now located off the coast of Norway. This is causing the wind direction to veer into the east on Friday and freshen. The barometric pressure has been slowly falling since Thursday and currently at 08.00 read 1018.8mb, a drop of 5mb in 24 hours.

Weak sunshine initially greeted the arrival of Friday as there was variable cloud and a significant breeze from the east. The thermometer at 08.00 read 17.6C making it the coolest start to a day since the 16th.