Windrush Weather

Sunshine & showers & sleet overnight

Due to the northwesterly breeze, a cool direction and gusting to 28mph, the thermometer struggled to reach 10.7C on Friday at 09.00. Thereafter the thermometer fell away a couple of degrees. This was almost exactly average and the coldest day for a week.

Showers occurred erratically during the past twenty-four hours amounting ti 8.3mm but rainfall was particularly heavy at 22.20. During the squall the thermometer dropped for 4.1C to 1.6C

The thermometer dropped to 1.1C by 04.46 on Saturday morning. However, there must have been sleet showers during darkness as by early morning no evidence was found on the ground, which had residual warmth, but glass roofs without heat, sun as my greenhouse, were covered with a thick layer of sleet.

Glorious sunshine was in evidence on Saturday after dawn that lifted the thermometer to 5.8C by 08.00.