The thermometer on Saturday rose steadily to peak at 22.1C being the warmest day since 26th September and 4.6C above the average. After the sunniest day this year the heavy rain arrived from the Continent just before midnight. However, the first area of intense rain passed to the west of the area and the second intense area in the early hours of Sunday passed to the east. We did, however, receive 1.6mm.
The past night was mild thanks to the blanket of cloud with a minimum of 10.7C being 4.3C above the average.
Sunday dawned with the hang back of cloud from the rain band to the east with only the odd glimpse of sunshine. The temperature had risen slightly to 11.9C by 08.00.
The equivalent rainfall from evaporation of 35mm still totals double the monthly rainfall of 15.4mm.