Windrush Weather

Hottest day in eleven months

With the arrival of the Continental Air on the modest southeasterly breeze it was no wonder the thermometer rose very high to register a maximum of 26.1C. This was the hottest day since 25th August 2019 and 6C above the 36-year average.

The sunshine recorder logged 12.3 hours. This total was sightly down on the previous day as very thin high cloud was evident that meant the UV level was also lower at 7.4. However, the ‘Very High’ category lasted from just after 12.00 to just after 14.00. Further evidence provided by the total daily solar energy recorded, which was down 3% on Tuesday’s value.

A warm night followed with a minimum of 11.8C being 1.8C above the average.

Wednesday saw muted sunshine after dawn as the thin high cloud, brought on the warm, moist Continental Air, was still evident. By 08.00 the sun had boosted the temperature to 19.1C.

The evaporation this month now totals the equivalent of 72mm of rainfall, just exceeding the rainfall of 71mm.

Update on Wednesday at 17.14: maximum temperature of 30.4C at 16.24, which was 10.3C above the 36-year average, making it the hottest day since 25th August 2019.