Windrush Weather

Fine spell breaks down

Tuesday was the last of the hot, dry days as the thermometer peaked at 24.8C(+4.5C) but the barometric pressure was already beginning to fall indicating a change in the weather pattern.

The past night was very mild with the thermometer not falling below 12.6C (+2.8C) at 01.34 Wednesday morning as increasing cloud, initially seen at sunset on the western sky, drifted in. There were a few drops of rain just after 05.00 and a few more at 07.00 but not measurable so recorded as a trace.

The barometric pressure has fallen 12mb in the last twenty-four hours as a depression to the north pushes its associated cold front slowly southward. Wednesday is the first morning for many days when we were not greeted with sunshine! The other major change is that the wind has returned to a northeasterly as a much cooler air mass follows the cold front.