Exceptional warmth!

The thermometer rose to 13.9C at 11.54 during Wednesday to fall back a little in the afternoon to 11.9C. This peak was 5.9C above the 37-year average but not a record as in December 2015 a maximum of 14.4C was recorded on two days, 18th and 19th. This warmth is being brought from the Azores in mid-atlantic on a strong southwesterly breeze.

During the late evening the temperature began to climb again to reach 13.2C and stay there all night, which was an exceptional 10.9C above the average.

Another 2.9mm of rainfall was recorded that brought the monthly total 65.1mm, which is still 27mm below the average.

Thursday arrived with more thick cloud and the wind continuing to blow from the southwest with a peak gust of 33mph.

The ground temperature at a depth of 5cm has recovered from a low of 1.3C on the 9th to 11.6C today.
