Windrush Weather

Barometric pressure intensifies and changes position

The centre of the high pressure on Wednesday was over Scandinavia that meant a significant change in direction and air mass from northwest to northeast and the windiest day of the month with a peak gust of 20mph. The cooler air mass meant a slightly lower maximum of 25.6C that was still 7C above the average.

We have now had thirteen consecutive days without rainfall. This is the driest period since early May when there were seventeen consecutive dry days.

The minimum overnight was also above average (+2.4C) with a low of 11.6C.

The brisk wind on Thursday is from the eastnoreast as the anticyclone that has given the recent dry sunny weather is now centred over Denmark. The sun was very red as it rose above the horizon at dawn due to thin high cloud brought by the easterly breeze but by 08.05 the sun began to shine strongly having triggered the sunshine recorder. The barometric pressure at 08.00 was 1028.7mb, the highest pressure since 28th May.