Windrush Weather

Barometric pressure highest this month

As the pressure began to rise on Sunday there was an increase in sunshine to almost 11 hours. However, the brisk westerly wind pegged back the temperature to a maximum of 19.8C, just below average.

The strong sunshine did however raise the UV level to 8.7, which was very high around midday.

It was a very cool night Sunday into Monday as under clear skies the temperature fell way down to 7.0C. This was 3C below average and the coolest night since 8th June.

We were greeted by strong sunshine after dawn that lifted the thermometer briskly t0 reach 14.0C at 08.00.

Te barometric pressure has been rising for the past twenty-four hours with a reading of 1024.6mb at 08.00 Monday, the highest for nearly a month.