At last an above average day temperature!

Thursday was the warmest day since 22nd September with the thermometer rising to a maximum of 20.8C. This was 3.5C above the average and more significant was the fact it was the first above average maximum this month. It was also the sunniest day since 22nd April and the UV level of 7.9 was rated ‘Very High’ not reached since 5th August. It was the third consecutive day without rainfall this exceptionally wet month.

The overnight minimum just create below average with a minim f 6.8C (-0.1C).

Sadly, there was no glorious sunshine after dawn as occurred on Thursday due to cloud having drifted in from the southwest, although initially there was a little brightness.

The high pressure has continued to build with a current reading at 08.00 of 10123.5mb, the highest pressure this month.
