Windrush Weather

Anticyclone still I control

During Saturday the anticyclone slowly began to migrate from the eastern Atlantic, where it has been centred for over a week, over the UK to the east. This meant that the wind backed from the west to south west in the late afternoon. The 8.4 hours of sunshine pushed the thermometer to a maximum of 20.4C being 1.8C above the 36-year average.

The minimum of 10.9C overnight was also above average (+1.7C).

Sunday brought hazy sunshine initially as the sun broke through thin cloud on the eastern horizon but shortly after 07.25 it was shining strongly that lifted the thermometer to read 13.3C 08.00. The barometric pressure has risen again as the centre of the high pressure is a little closer, currently over the English Channel heading for the near continent, to currently read 1022.9mb.

Update on Sunday at 17.10: thermometer soared to a maximum of 24.3C at 16.17, which was 5.6C above the 36-year average and the warmest day since 18th August.