Warmest morning in four months

After a sunny start on Monday, with 4.8 hours of sunshine, advancing cloud from the next weather front drifted in with the first rain drops noted at 14.10.

The wind initially came from the west then backed into the south when the thermometer began to steadily rise to a maximum of 10.9C at 08.00 on Tuesday. This was the result of warm, moist air being brought up from the Azores and made the warmest start to a day since 1st November.

A second pulse of rain arrived in the evening so that by 08.00 on Tuesday rain had been almost continuous for 17 hours producing 15.6mm of precipitation.

Tuesday arrived with thick cloud draping the Marlborough Downs and Savernake Forest with continuous light rain or drizzle.

Update on Tuesday at 18.30: warmest day in almost five months as the thermometer rose to a maximum of 13.4C. Wind gust of 37mph recorded at 14.39.
