Windrush Weather

UV Very High on Wednesday

Although the sunshine hours were reduced from previous days with 6.78 hours the UV level spiked very high at 13.00 and again at 13.30 although it was at that level for two hours.

The westerly wind was very strong increasing to a peak of 27mph at 14.27 only beginning to die down in the early evening. This wind from a cooler wind drection meant a below average day with a maximum of 17.6C (-2.5C).

The minimum of 11.5C was almost exactly that of the previous night and 1.5C above average due to the extensive cloud cover.

The moist Atlantic air prevailed on Tuesday morning with total cloud cover that brought brief, little light drizzle at 06.30 but not measurable hence recorded as a ‘trace’. However, due to the depression moving away over the North Sea, the wind had almost completely died down.