Windrush Weather

Topsy turvy temperatures

Tuesday morning saw the cloud break allowing broken sunshine in the morning (two hours) that raised the temperature to 10.00C. The afternoon and evening saw the temperature fall away to 8.9C at 18.52 before rising again to a peak of 10.9C at 08.00 on Wednesday.

A cold weather front began to approach the area during the early hours of Wednesday with increasing cloud that allowed the thermometer to rise in the early hours. Rain began to fall at 07.25 and a heavier burst at 08.35.

By 09.00 the temperature had risen further reaching 11.4C, which is very mild for late November and 1.4C above average. The breeze for much of Tuesday came on a southerly air flow that continued in the early hours of Wednesday. However, as the cold front eases away to the east the wind is forecast to make a 180* turn to come from the north later in the day.