Storm Christoph made itself felt!

Wednesday saw the wind strength increase during the morning but the strongest gust occurred in the evening when a peak gust of 41mph was recorded at 21.35, just before a narrow but intense rain band arrived. Rain was light but almost continuous during the daytime and early evening but at 21.44 heavy rain began to fall for about ten minutes. Immediately after this event the wind dropped to almost calm conditions for a few minutes. The other notable feature was that the thermometer dropped rapidly 4.5C as the wind veered immediately from the south into the west.

The rainfall for the past twenty-four hours amounted to 14.9mm bringing the monthly total to 48.3mm when the 37-year average is 90.5mm. We were fortunate that the areas of continuous heavy rain passed to the north and south of this area. The barometric pressure dropped to a minimum of 978.2mb at 22.15 Wednesday evening.

Thursday arrived with patches of blue sky between the variable high cloud and dry with the thermometer reading 3.8C at 08.00.
