Windrush Weather

More sunshine on Thursday

The frost signs that the weather patten was changing was seen on Thursday as the cloud broke late afternoon and the sun broke thorough with 6.2 hours, the most for a week. As a result the thermometer rose to 18.3C being just below the early September average.

The anticyclone began to relocate eastwards one Thursday and as a result the barometric pressure dropped 3mb by Thursday morning and on Friday had fallen another 6mb with a reading at 0800 on Friday of 1023.2mb. The centre for the anticyclone now to the north of Scotland rather than the northwest. As a result the wind direction is likely to veer a few degrees from the persistent northeast to east-northeast or east.

The past night has been mild with a minimum of 13.7C, which was 4.6C above the average.

Friday arrived with total cloud cover again but evidence if thinning. The wind has fallen much lighter than previous days. There is a distinct change in the air with it feeling much less cold due to the small change in wind direction, in fact by 1100 it felt much warmer.

We have now had 12 consecutive dry days.