Windrush Weather

More sunshine, less rain

Wednesday brought 4.1 hours of sunshine with two minor showers totalling 1.0mm, which brought the monthly total to 39.9mm.

The temperature again rose to 13.4C being 3C above the average, exactly as the peak on Tuesday. It was another relatively mild night with a minimum of 3.4C (+1.1C).

The UV level rose to 3.1 classed as a ‘Moderate’ level, the first time since 8th October.

Thursday arrived with clear skies but a brief shower arrived 07.50 that soon cleared and strong sunshine returned with a moderate breeze, now from the southwest.

Update on Thursday at 11.00: heavy, lengthy showers of hail at 10.30 and 11.00, about 2mm in diameter, classed as ‘small’ hail. The temperature dropped from 6.1C to 3.8C with wind chill making it feel more like 2.9C.