Windrush Weather

High pressure reluctant to give way

Sunday was a glorious day with wall to wall sunshine that saw the thermometer steadily rise to a maximum of 8.2C at 14.07 before falling again. However, even though the light breeze came from the south this high was 0.1C below the long-term average. By 19.00 the temperature had dropped away to 2.0C and a minimum of 1.6C was reached at 00.35, so a brief ground frost, before slowly rising again as cloud drifted across, to reach 5.3C at 08.00 on Monday.

The anticyclone has been holding steady for the past twenty-four hours, in fact it has risen 4mb, with the barometric pressure at 08.00 reading 1024.0mb. This has ensured the rain bands to the west have been kept at bay but unfortunately cloud has drifted across from a very weak weather front crossing the UK this morning, with low a cloud base and moist. misty air, which will take until after midday to slow ease away to the east and the some brightness return this afternoon.

The loss of equivalent moisture from the ground, due to evaporation from ground sources and plant life, amounted to 0.8mm yesterday, which was the highest for a couple of months due to the sunshine that felt quiet warm out of the light breeze.

The JetStream projection indicates that after today the high pressure will ease away tomorrow before reasserting itself towards the end of the week for several days, that due to its position over Scandinavia will see the wind swing into the east or northeast, cold directions from Russia, which sadly will mean several days with depressed temperatures and likely below zero night minima.