Windrush Weather

Cool by day but mild by night

Although there was reduced sunshine on Sunday, just 3 hours, the thermometer rose to 9.9C, which was fractionally up on past days, but still 0.6C below the 37-year average.

Overnight was mild with a minimum of 5.8C being 3.4C above the average rising to 7.7C at 08.00 on Monday.

As mentioned yesterday the barometric pressure has been rising so damping out showers, just 0.8mm in the past twenty-four hours. The wind direction on Sunday was from the west. However, with the anticyclone now centred to the west of the Bay of Biscay, circulating clockwise as they do, and a depression over southern Scandinavia circulating anticlockwise, the wind direction has veered into the north west on Monday between the two systems. The pressure at 08.00 was 1020.8mb, the highest for a week.

Monday arrived with glimpses of sunshine, hazy at times, through variable cloud.