Another mild day and night between storms

Both the maximum and minimum on Thursday were above average with 11.3C (+3.5C) and 6.8C (+5.3C). The low was reached at 0l.30 on Friday before rising again to reach 10.8C at 06.00 and falling back to 9.1C at 08.00 on Friday.

Rainfall for the east twenty-four hours measured 4.2mm bringing the monthly total to 49.5mm, still over 17mm below the 38-year average.

The wind gusted to 38mph at 07.11 on Friday due to Storm Eunice approaching the north of this area. The wind strength has been slowly rising since 00.30 after the direction abruptly changed from west to south just after 21.00 on Thursday. Friday saw the direction change again to southwest and later in the morning will come from the west as the centre of the depression eases away eastward.

The barometric pressure has been falling rapidly to reach 991.6mb at 08.00 and forecast to probably drop to around 988mb later this morning.

Update at 10.55: maximum gust of 56mph at 09.58. Average wind speed still increasing.

Update at 12.15: wind beginning to die down a little with 10 minute average wind speed dropped from 19mph to 10mph
