Windrush Weather

Total cloud cover and minimal UV on Monday

Monday was gloomy with total cloud cover all day but a little brightness round midday. The UV level of 2.6 was the lowest since May 8th and classed as ‘Low’. The light winds cane predominantly from the east.

The peak temperature of 18.7C was exactly average for September although the thick cloud overnight gave us a mild night with the thermometer not sinking below 13.8C, which was 4.C above average.

The first rain drops from an extensive weather system moving northwards from the English Chanel were observed at 07.33. However, steady continuous moderate rain began to fall just after 07.45.

The depression is centred over Brittany with a reading of 1012.2mb at 08.00. As the centre relocates the wind is due to back from the east to north and north-northwest on Tuesday continuing light.