Windrush Weather

Humidity very low

The sunshine hours on Saturday were exactly the same as Friday with 13.02 hours. During the afternoon the humidity dropped to just 33%. The air and ground are now very dry from the record number of hours of sunshine and drying easterly winds.

Around mid-day the UV level climbed from ‘High’ to ‘Very High’ for an hour.

The thermometer steadily rose to 24.4C being 7.4C above average with the overnight minimum no lower than 9.9C, which was 3C above the average and up 3C on the previous night’s minimum.

Sunday, as on numerous previous mornings, the sun was shining strongly as it rose above the horizon. The easterly breeze, that has been with us for several days, continues. The humidity at 08.00 was just 70%, the lowest it has been since July 9th 2019.