Windrush Weather

River Kennet floods Marlborough!

The River Kennet broke its banks on Friday just after 10.00 and resulted in a large area around the river, including The Parade and Town Mill Meadows being inundated. The residents of Town Mill were evacuated as a precaution.

The last of the rain fell in very brief showers late evening amounting to just 0.6mm as the two depressions eased away from the UK. The wind on Friday came from the northwest, a cool direction, was brisk and meant reduced warmth than of late with a peak temperature of 7.4C being just 0.2C above the average. The temperature hovered around 5C for much of the night but in the early hours began to fall away with a minimum of 2.6C at 07.58. After three days this month when no UV light was recorded, a level of 0.5 was logged today, obviously at the bottom of the ‘Low’ category, we are in Winter.

Saturday revealed some small areas of blue sky but predominantly cloudy. The wind will predominantly come from the north-northwest or north today.

A large elongated area of high pressure, reaching from Iceland to North Africa, is edging closer to the UK maintaining the northwest flow of cool air. The barometric pressure has risen a significant 14mb since 08.00 Friday, currently 1016.5mb and rising, due to the influence of the anticyclone and departure of the depressions.