During the 7.7 hours of sunshine on Tuesday, and thanks to the light winds, maximum gust of 10mph, the thermometer rose to a maximum of 13.5C. This was the warmest day since the 4th but still 0.8C below the average.
It was another dry day, the tenth this month. The rainfall total for April currently stands at 7.4mm while the moisture lost through evaporation from ground sources and plant life is equivalent to 22mm of rainfall. The previous two months brought below average rainfall totals and with no significant rain in the forecast for severval days we are experiencing a significant dry period.
The thermometer did eventually drop below freezing overnight at 02.00 on Wednesday morning that gave a minimum of -0.3C at 03.56.
Muted sunshine on Wednesday after dawn, through thin high cloud, raised the temperature to 2.8C at 08.00. The anticyclone is still centred over the UK with light winds continuing.