Windrush Weather

Sunniest day since 31st July

Over the past 28 days we have received 2.7mm of rainfall. However, through evaporation from the ground and plant life the equivalent rainfall of 73mm has been lost to the atmosphere. No wonder the gardens are dry!

Wednesday gave us 11.2 hours of glorious sunshine that lifted the temperature to a maximum of 17.4C, returning to above average (+3.3C). The breeze continued from the north east but light gusting to a peak of 13mph.

Both maximum and minimum were up 4C on the previous days readings.

With clear skies overnight it was not surprising, at this time of year, to see the thermometer steadily falling so that by 06.23 on Thursday morning it had reached 2.6C. This produced a ground frost, which was evident in the early morning, but hazy sunshine after dawn began to work on the temperature so that by 08.00 the thermometer lifted to 6.9C.