Windrush Weather

Significant change in wind direction

The temperature by day started to ease upwards on Saturday with a peak of 23.C at 14.50, being 0.2C above the average. The opposite occurred overnight as under clearing skies the warmth dissipated into the atmosphere and the thermometer dropped very low, to a minimum of 7.8C at 05.51, before the sun got to work. This low was 4.1C below my 40-year average and the third coolest night this month.

It was a glorious start to a new day with clear blue skies and strong sunshine that had lifted the temperature to 16.3C by 08.00.

The anticyclone has moved eastwards over the past twenty-four hours and is currently centred over the Uk so a few dry, very warm sunny days ahead. The repositioning of the high pressure has resulted in the wind coming from the south and very light.