Windrush Weather

Settled weather continues

The anticyclone continued to bring hot, sunny weather on Monday with 11.6 hours of sunshine and very High UV levels. The thermometer did not quite reach as high as on Sunday with a peak of 31.4C being 8.7C above the average.

The Meteorological Office yesterday broadcast their first Extreme Heat warning that lasts until Thursday evening. This is not only due to the high daytime temperatures but also the very warm nights. The past night saw the thermometer not fall below 14.2C, which was 2.3C above the average.

The ground temperature at a depth of 5cm read 24.0C at 08.00 as limited warmth radiates into the atmosphere overnight.

Strong sunshine welcomed the arrival of Tuesday that pushed the thermometer to 22.9C at 08.00.

Another feature of recent days, under the influence of the high pressure, are the very calm days with little movement of air. At head height the last two days have seen a maximum air movement of just 8mph and 9mph with frequent periods of total calm.

Update at 19.00: thermometer eased upwards again with a maximum of 31.6C (89F) at 14.29.