Windrush Weather

No frosts as warmer air arrives

The change in the recent weather pattern became apparent on Saturday as the wind backed into a slightly warmer direction, west, that combined with 8.2 hours of sunshine raised the temperature to a peak of 14.1C. However this was still 3.2C below the average.

It was dry during daylight hours when the UV level rose to 6.2 being at the top end of ‘High”.

The wind for much of the day came from the west but just after 16.00 it began to back into the south and by 02.00 was coming from the south east as the low pressure system approached the country.

Although the thermometer initially fell away during the evening and early night this was halted at 03.37 on Saturday with a minimum of 5.9C being 1C below the 37-year average. Rain triggered the automatic rain gauge at 02.20 and by 08.00 on Saturday a total of 16.5mm had fallen. This was the wettest day since 27th January (18.7mm). The dramatic change has been due to an approaching deep depression the eastern Atlantic.