Windrush Weather

Hottest day in July on Sunday

Under the influence of 12.8 hours of sunshine and very high UV levels again, the thermometer continued to rise all day reaching a peak of 23.7C at 16.06 on Sunday This was the hottest day since 26th June and 0.9C above the 36-year average under the influence of the anticyclone that was centred over the UK.

The cirrus clouds produced interesting patterns under the influence of high altitude winds. The wind was variable during the day but predominantly westerly being very light with a maximum gust of only 11mph.

A much warmer night followed than previously with the thermometer not falling below 10.4C although 1.4C below the average.

Monday arrived with variable cloud and bursts of sunshine ahead of a rain band arriving later in the day. Under the strong early sunshine the thermometer rose quickly to read 17.0C at 08.00 making it the warmest start to the day, at this time, since 26th June.