Windrush Weather

Highest barometric pressure for 8 months

The wind on Monday veered further from the north to the Northeast, a cool direction, that saw the thermometer slowly rise to 7.9C, being 2.1C below average, only the third this month.

The barometric pressure intensified further peaking at 1035.2mb, the highest pressure since 6th March. The centre of the anticyclone is now over the south-western tip of Ireland and will see the wind direction back into the north on Tuesday.

Tuesday early morning registered a minimum of -1.7c, being 5.6C below the 37-year average, producing not only a ground frost but a sharp air frost. Much of the sky was blue first thing with a bank of cloud to the east. However, just before 08.00, an expanse of mist, not thick enough to be classed as fog, drifted in from the north obscuring any possibility of sunshine for some while.