Windrush Weather

Cool and damp on Saturday

With the depression so close to the country it was not surprising to find that it was another sunless day, the second consecutive. Due to the cloud and brisk breeze from the northwest, a cool direction direct from the North Sea, the thermometer struggled to reach a maximum of 14.3C, which was 5.9C below the long-term average.

A little drizzle and light rain fell in the early evening and showers overnight amounting to 3.6mm. That brought the monthly rainfall total to 20.0mm when the equivalent rainfall lost through evaporation to date is 62mm. During the last two days daily evaporation has been around 0.7mm when last week it was in excess of 4mm daily.

Sunday dawned grey and cool with total cloud cover and light drizzle again, after the thermometer had fallen to 12.1C being 2C above average.