Windrush Weather

Another dank, dark day on Wednesday

Wednesday was much as Tuesday with low cloud and light rain or drizzle amounting to 3.1mm. Again the thermometer did don’t rise above the average with a maximum of only 7.4C being 3.1C below the 38-year average.

The overnight minimum of 5.3C was above average (+1.9C) due to the continuing cloud cover.

The diurnal range of temperature, variation between day and night extremes, was just 2.1C due to the thick cloud cover.

Thursday dawned slowly under the low, thick cloud that once again draped the Marlborough Downs and Savernake Forest limiting visibility to around 1,500m. The temperature had lifted slightly by 08.00 to 6.1C. The barometric pressure has been slowly ebbing away and at 08.00 read 1013.7mb, a drop of 7mb since this the yesterday.