Windrush Weather

32 hours of sub zero temperature

Thursday saw the thermometer continue to fall during daylight hours, rather than rising, to reach a minimum of -3.0C at 18.54 before pausing. There followed a gradual reversal so that by 23.00 Thursday evening the thermometer read +0.8C. We endured 32 hours of continuous sub zero temperatures.
The fog on Thursday lifted in the early afternoon to misty conditions but never cleared completely before visibility reduced again towards dusk. The wind was from the northwest until late afternoon before backing into the southwest and very light with the maximum movement of air, could not be classed as a gust, of just 6mph. This was the quietest day for wind since 21st January 2020 when a maximum air movement of only 5mph was recorded.

Friday morning dawned grey and gloomy with the occasional flake of snow observed after 08.10. The thermometer read 0.3C at 08.00 in still conditions.